Welcome to an engaging and enlightening interview featuring Ros Ben-Moshe, a renowned expert in Positive Psychology from La Trobe University! Join us as we delve into the science of building joy, positivity, and resilience in your life with Ros’s valuable insights and expertise. With two incredible books under her belt, “The Laughter Effect” and “Laughing at Cancer,” Ros’s wisdom on healing with love, laughter, and mindfulness is unmatched. She draws on her personal battle with cancer and her mindset to reaffirm her teachings. Ros is a sought-after media personality and accomplished writer, Ros has been featured in various Australian media outlets, including “The Canberra Times” and “Wellbeing Magazine.” Get ready for an uplifting and empowering experience as Ros shares her knowledge on the multifaceted aspects of positive wellbeing. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn from one of the leading voices in the field of Positive Psychology! Subscribe now and hit that notification bell to never miss an episode. Let’s unlock the secrets to a happier, more resilient life together!
Released Date: 26th April, 2023