Purim is a holiday that celebrates our people’s phenomenal endurance. Persia’s 5th Century BCE Jewry rebounded from a frighteningly close call with complete annihilation to make a remarkable return to Israel and eventually rebuild their Temple.
Today, we celebrate Purim through many activities that you and I would associate with charity—exchanging gifts of food, supporting people in need, and sharing joyous communal meals.
But what is the link between the historical Purim saga and small acts of generosity between everyday people?
To me, the answer lies in the example of the heroine who lies at the heart of the Purim story, Esther. The timid woman who rose above her fears to become the respected queen of Persia. The threatened Jewess who dared to confront her husband the king, Achashverosh, and his closest advisor, Haman, to save her people from obliteration.
Esther’s example of selfless courage stands as an inspiring beacon of strength that calls upon us to overcome apathy, confront injustice and fight for what we know is right.
You and I may not be kings or queens, but that doesn’t matter. We are intelligent, sensitive people, blessed with smart ideas and generous hearts. We have the ability to harness our respective resources to effect change and create impact within our spheres of influence. To help those who have fallen to stand up, those who feel weak to be strong, and those who feel hopeless to be optimistic.
But importantly, Esther didn’t act alone. She brought her community along for the ride. If I’m going to put my neck out for my people, she said, I need to get them on board too. “Go, gather all the Jews in Shushan”, Esther told Mordechai. Rally them around my cause. “Let them fast and pray for me”. Inspire them to become advocates and participants, not just passive stakeholders, in our struggle.
Esther knew that, together, we are an unstoppable force for good that can change the status quo and turn paralysing adversity into activating opportunity. We can champion causes of compassion and empathy and create a network of support that elevates us all.
This Purim, I encourage you to follow Esther’s example—take action for what you believe is right. Help, give, collect, advocate, support. Whatever you do best.
Purim is an opportune day. It blesses us with a sense of Esther’s brave heart. Let’s hear its beat, feel its compassion and breathe its healing impact into our world.
Rabbi Yosi Wolf, Head of Recipient Services at C Care.